You are hereCharities


It’s a well-known fact that only Christians do anything for charity. Or maybe we should say that it is a well-known fact to them.

Bedfordshire Humanists as a group support the Bedford Food Bank and St John’s Hospice (Sue Ryder) on a regular basis.

We also do other ‘good works’ from time to time; the organ donor survey was a good example. In addition to a survey on attitudes to changing the law on organ donation, we also handed out donor cards.

In addition to what we do as a group, we also do things for charity as individuals.


The charities supported by the members and supporters of

Bedfordshire Humanists

Points to note:

Most 'charity' money given by religious people goes to their church and is used to pay for the building, the clergy or for self-promotion.

Our members give very little to Humanist / Atheist organisations and these are not listed below.

Bedfordshire Humanists is run by volunteers who don't even claim expenses.

The list below ignores one off donations and consists only of regularly supported causes.

The list below ignores charities supported in the past and consists only of ones currently supported.

The list below ignores political organisations.

The list below ignores charities that were not recognised and could not be positively identified after a few minutes with Google.

This list below is based on the responses from people who self-identify as humanists.

Helping people

3H Financial
Abortion Rights


Action Aid


Action for kids


Age UK Active volunteering
Age UK Financial
Amnesty International Financial
Bedford Guild House Active volunteering
Bedford Guild House Financial
Bedford Refugee & Asylum Seekers Support Service Active volunteering
Brainwave Financial
British Red Cross Financial
Cancer Research Financial
CHICKS Financial
Crisis Active volunteering
Crisis Financial
Disasters Emergency Committee Financial
Dignity in Dying Financial
Door to Door Community Transport Active volunteering
East Anglia Air Ambulance Financial
Envision Financial
Freedom From Torture Active volunteering
Freedom From Torture Financial
Institute of Cancer Research Financial
International Planned Parenthood Federation Financial
Keech Cottage Hospital Financial
Kid's Company Financial
Macmillan Cancer Support Financial
Marie Curie Financial
Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA) Financial
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) Financial
Oxfam Financial
PACE Financial
Peace Direct Financial
Positive Money Financial
Primrose Appeal Financial
Red Nose Day Financial
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) Financial
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Financial
Samaritans Active volunteering
Samaritans Financial
Sequal Trust Financial
Sue Ryder Financial
Teacher Support Network Financial
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Active volunteering
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Financial
Water Aid Financial
World Development Movement Financial
Young Minds Financial

Fighting for equality

Bedfordshire Race & Equalities Council Active volunteering

Helping animals / wildlife

Home for Unwanted and Lost Animals (HULA) Financial
League Against Cruel Sports Financial
Paxton Pits Nature Reserve Financial
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Financial
Royal Society for the Protection of Bird (RSPB) Financial
The Woodland Trust Financial
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Financial

Helping our heritage

British Film Institite Financial
English Heritage Financial
National Trust Financial
Welsh Highland Railway Active volunteering
Welsh Highland Railway Financial

Helping the planet

Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum Active volunteering
Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum Financial
Friends of the Earth (FOE) Active volunteering
Friends of the Earth (FOE) Financial
Greenpeace Financial
Population Matters Financial

Helping amenity organisations

Cycle Campaign for North Bedfordshire Active volunteering
Cycle Campaign for North Bedfordshire Financial
Cyclists Touring Club (CTC) Active volunteering
Cyclists Touring Club (CTC) Financial
Ramblers Association (RA) Financial
South West Coast path Association Financial
Wilstead Parish Paths Partnership Active volunteering

Noteworthy but not charities

National Blood Donor Service Giving blood
National Organ Donation and Transplantation Directorate Signed up to donate organs







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